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Poker Tells Online

A tell is any habit, behavior, or physical reaction that gives other players more information about your hand. Poker Player should be aware of some very common poker tells. Being able to spot these tells will help players make good decisions at the poker table and put themselves in position to win more money. Also, by knowing what these common poker tells are, players can avoid giving them off themselves! As in most facets of life, holding information or additional knowledge can only put you in a stronger position, and this is the case in poker too.

Players should always remember that there are many contradictions and exceptions to the rule in poker. Also, experienced players will give out false tells to fool the other players. The majority of players give off tells in the following quality manner as they act as if they have a strong hand when they actually have a weak hand. They act as if they have a weak hand when they actually have a strong hand.

Pause and Bet: A player who thinks for a long time before betting usually has a monster hand. He hopes other players will read the pause as weakness and bet into him.

Betting Speed Tells: In online poker room a set number of seconds that each player has to respond before he has to make a check, bet or raise or else they are folded.

Use this to your advantage.

  1. When a player has checked raise it should be obvious to you that they have a strong hand.
  2. If a player uses the check box to check then you can probably conclude that your opponents hand is weak.
  3. If a player uses the check box to call, a good assumption is that your opponent has a drawing hand.
The top three online pokers tell are:
  1. Quickness to respond, reported by 76% of respondents a very fast check can indicate a weak hand, quick bets on the turn or river can often indicate a strong hand.
  2. Slowness to respond, reported by 73% of respondents a pause followed by a check can often indicate weakness, while a delay followed by a raise often indicates strength.
  3. Automatic play, reported by 68% of respondents a lazy approach to the auto buttons lets a player slip into a set pattern of play. Any breaks in this pattern are clear tells.


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