Poker Terms
Poker is full of strange words and expressions that seasoned players use. If you want to sound like a pro, or just make sense of what other poker players are saying, then you must familiarize yourself with the poker terms and poker terminology found on PlayMobilepoker.Net. It might seem daunting at first, especially if you are new to poker, but don't worry, it's easy to pick it up. We're up to 400 poker terms so far, but we know there are more out there.
Ante -The pot. The total amount being wagered upon.
Back-door flush: When you have three cards that would support a flush, but you need the turn and river to make a flush.
Cap or Capping - The idea that there can only be a raise, a re-raise, another re-raise, and one final re-raise. That's four bets total per player, per round, at most.
Dealer's Position- Being the last to act in a betting round. On the button.
Flop-1. n. the first three community cards dealt face up on the table. 2. v. used to describe what your hand was after the flop. "I flopped the nuts!"
Gutshot Draw-A straight draw where only one card will complete the hand.
Hook - It is named a Jack because the "J" resembles a hook.
Jackpot-A prize fund awarded to a player who meets a set of predetermined requirements. For example, some casinos will give a jackpot to someone who gets four-of-a-kind or higher and loses.
Lead - The first player who makes a bet into a pot.
Mechanic-A player who has the ability to illegally manipulate cards for favorable results.
Open Card - This is when a card is faced up.
Paint - A card that is faced in a lowball hand.
Royalties - It is also known as a Bonus and means an extra payment for having a strong hand such as a straight flush or royal flush.
Small Blind - The forced wager that is made by the person sitting one seat to the left of the button. Such a bet is half the size of the big blind.
Talon - The rest of the deck after the deal.