Mobile Texas Hold'em Poker
Texas Holdem is the most popular poker variant played mostly in USA casinos. Holdem is a game of resource management. You manage your personal wealth, and card resources to leverage control of pots and drive the other players away from the table. In contrast to other poker games like stud or draw where each player holds a separate individual hand, Holdem is a community card game where each player may use any combination of the five community cards and their own two hole cards to make a poker hand.
Tips for playing Texas Holdem:
Read books to learn more about proper strategy. Only play in low limit games as a beginner. Practice at home with tutorial software.
How to Play?
Texas Holdem is a deceptively simple game to learn but a harder game to master. To begin with players are dealt two 'Hole' cards that only they can see and use. Then, five 'community' cards are dealt in the middle of the table that everyone can see and use with their hand. Players can make their five-card hand from both, one or none of their hole cards in combination with the community cards. For this example we will use a low limit structure of $2/4. There are four betting rounds and the first two have a limit of $2 and the last two rounds have a limit of $4. You must bet or raise only the amount of the limit for that round.
In Early position
Raise with A-A, K-K and A-Ks from any position. (s denotes suited cards) Call with A-K, A-Qs, K-Qs and Q-Q J-J, T-T and fold everything else.
In Middle position
Call with, 9-9, 8-8, A-Js, A-Ts, Q-Js, A-Q, K-Q
In Late position
Call with A-Xs, K-Ts, Q-Ts, J-Ts, A-J, A-T and small pairs. (note x denotes any card) It takes a stronger hand to call a raise than it does to make with one, If there is a raise before it is your turn to act you should fold. Why put in two bets with marginal hands?