Poker Theory
Poker theory differs from one game to another and it will differ from offline game to online game. In Poker it is not unusual to see a player profess his superior intellectual capacity and knowledge of game poker game theory to all who will listen and then get beaten soundly by a player with significantly less brain power. In online game there are a few more probables to take care of like server stats, internet connectivity, and the fact that we don’t see the players and that the players could probably be using software to simulate the game before playing. So in online game technology has advanced the way we play poker to make subtle changes in poker theory.
Having knowledge of the theory of poker will give you a much deeper understanding of the game. The theory of poker talks of odds, game theory, and psychology, bluff that your opponents may use or you may use. They are the details you need to know in order to bring your game up to a new level. The theory basically talks of applying these concepts to theory and enabling a player to help in winning.
Table Position
Poker is a very position-oriented game, meaning that your position in relation to dealer button matters a lot. When the game is about to start you should play carefully and to learn more about the table and the players who are sitting around it. The first thing you need to do is to settle down and catch the mood of the game. If you are a naturally aggressive player, or you catch some decent starting hands, you can go for it from the start. If the play of other participants goes cautiously, you can often drive them out early. The closer you are to the dealer button, without being in the blinds, the better off you are.
Bankroll Management
Bankroll Management is the one of the most important aspect of poker. Its what will keep you from going broke whether you are a winning or losing player. Without it you cant play it does not get any simpler than that.
Playing Style
If you want to be a unique poker player you need to find your own Playing Style. If you think that you already know the rules of the game, it is time to build your strategy, which will help you to win more games.